Created in Chicago's historic and diverse neighborhood, Logan Square, Moira K Lime Jewelry is designed and produced from a cozy studio with two doggy studio mates.
The company has been growing and creating since 2008. Two years of wholesale and retail developments has propelled Moira K. Lime Jewelry into storefronts, boutiques and galleries from the United States and into the United Kingdom.
Moira K. Lime Jewelry is inspired by the botanical and natural world that so many pass by daily without noticing or appreciating. Katie strives to bring out the loveliness of these small things and draw people to appreciate the little things in life and the natural beauty of the world.
Come to Poppy Friday, December 9th from 6pm to 9pm and Saturday, December 10th from 11am-4pm and meet Katie Lime. Don't miss out on this opportunity! Hope to see you there!